Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010



We went to the Beaston's again this year and had a blast!! The kids are at the most adorable and enjoyable ages. Kaitlyn asked if we could trick or treat with Maddie every year for the rest of our lives.
Adam, Maddie & Kailtyn

Kaitlyn topped this cake herself.....she picked out the worms and said, "this will be really gross!"

Kaitlyn the Vampirette


I loved this picture because of the way Maddie is looking at Adam....Brother/Sister Love!!

Best Friends!

Maddie, Kaitlyn, Austin, Ethan, Adam & Lauren

The Trick or Treat Ride

Look at her eyes!

The really cool haunted house

The mummies after a long night of chasing after their little gobblins!