Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waco Zoo

The Waco Zoo

Kaitlyn & Madison (BFF's) were able to experience the Waco Zoo for the first time with each other. This zoo is amazing. Lot's of trees - shady areas and has all the animals you would expect to see at a zoo. This picture was taken right when we arrived....don't they look so excited......BTW it was very hot!!!

Kaitlyn checking out the Lili Pads....she wanted to know where the frogs were.

This was to coolest dude.....Turtles are slow right???? Once he moved, we realized he really is the slowest guy on earth. Love the tortes. Laid back and never in a hurry!!!

For some reason, even tough this picture did not turn out clear, I love it! Sort of like a painted mirage.
So far, every visit to a zoo we have this I continue to post it and love the memory.

This was soooooo very cute. Adam was in the stroller however, he did not think it was fair that the girls were able to go enjoy the tee-pee, so as you see in this photo....he is on a mission.

We bought fish food........we thought it would be funny to feed the turkey the fish food. He enjoyed our visit that day.

I love this photo for one mom's favorite animal is the giraffe....So, Mom I have posted a picture of your lovely Kaitlyn with a giraffe--Enjoy.


Samantha said...

I see u posted the tiger taking a dump!! :)
We had a great time too!!