Monday, August 30, 2010


We are still working on keeping the head still in the water and to breathe from one side, but at the age of 5....I have to say, quite impressive!! Go Kailtyn!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kindergarten Here We Come!!!!

Kaitlyn's 1st Day of Kindergarten at Summitt Elementary

Friday, August 20, 2010

2nd Tooth

2nd Tooth 8/20/10

Summitt Elementary

GOING PUBLIC.....Summitt Elementary
Yesterday was Kailtyn's "meet the teacher" day. How exciting.....not only was "I" a nervous wreck, Kaityln walked into Summitt like she knew where she was going.....OHHH BOY!!!
Kaitlyn has been introduced to several different "learning" establishments since she was born. We our proud of the decisions we have made for her in the early education department. I was the hesitant one in putting Kaitlyn in public school (which is what I attended myself and my parents so kindly reminded me) however, the second I met Ms. Brannies, Kaitlyn's Kindergarten teacher................I WAS MORE EXCITED THAN KAITLYN!!!!!

We are so proud of her and can't wait to see her grow into the most amazing girl we could have ever asked for.

Lillian Vernon

I love outdoor living!
I found this really inexpensive website that I thought I would share. Keep in mind, you have to search for items, not always the best products right in front of you....
I purchased the small gecko for $9.98 to hang on my fence....anyone that knows me well, knows this gecko will be a red gecko!

All 3 $29.98
3 Stones in a set: $9.99 a set. Keep in mind they are not as hardy as real stepping stones. Nice for party nights or just to have for one summer.
Hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ms. Molly

Oh Heir to Molly!!!
Molly is a reciprocate to the family heir loom......NOT!
Just a family battle. My family decided years ago that we all have enough throughout the year so, why is it necessary to give gifts at Christmas that no one would want anyway.
Family idea: purchase one gift that will be equal to a male or female......YEAH Right! My family is way to competitive. It doesn't matter if it is a teddy bear or the most wonderful flash light (flash lights seem to appear every year).
Well, then there is Molly.
Molly was the most beautiful, fluffy, soft, white bear you had ever seen. In my very young years I had a strong competitive nature at that time, right? Not only was I competitive, my family was competitive too. I told my dad- you better get me that bear!
WELL, I got the bear. At that young age, I did not realize how other people may have feelings too, so I fought and fought and then I put the pressure on my dad and he fought some more. WINNER....Jenny!
Although, I may have won, I hurt feelings in the time being. I did not know that at the time due to my immaturity (what was my dad's deal then right?).
My grandmother in-law was, let's just say older...and that was my biggest competition. She was really upset that I won (Dad won), Molly!
So, here's to Molly, Ms. Hobbs and my learning experience. I wanted to post a picture of Molly today. She has been a part of my life since that Christmas and very well loved. Now, she is part of my daughter's life and I know will continue to be loved.
Thanks Conner's, Hobb's & Gream's for such a wonderful Christmas experience!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kaitlyn Joined Swim Team

Kaitlyn has been registered for Nitro Swim in Cedar Park- check it out at:
We have been waiting for the perfect moment to put her in a swim program that she will really accelerate in. She is such a great swimmer and we have finally found the perfect place! She will start September 4, please wish her luck!